Friday 12 January 2018

IT is necessary, my dear brothers, to give you a clear idea of the interior Order; of that illuminated community which is scattered throughout the world, but which is governed by one truth and united in one spirit. This community possesses a School, in which all who  thirst for knowledge are instructed by the Spirit of Wisdom itself; and all the mysteries of nature are preserved in this school for the children of light.  Perfect knowledge of nature and of humanity is taught in this school.  It is from her  that all truths penetrate into the world; she is the school of  all who search for wisdom, and it is in this community alone that truth and the explantation of all mystery are to be found.  It is the most hidden of communities, yet it contains members from many circles; nor is there any Centre of Thought whose activity is not due to the presence of one of ourselves.  From all time there has been an exterior school based on the interior one, of which it is but the outer expression.  From all time, therefore, there has been a hidden assembly, a society of the Elect, of those who sought for and had capacity for light, and  this interior society was the Axle of the R.O.T.A.  All that any external order possesses in symbol, ceremony, or rite is  the letter expressive outwardly of that spirit of truth which dwelleth in the interior Sanctuary.  Nor is the contradiction  of the exterior any bar to the harmony of the interior.  Hence this Sanctuary, composed of members widely scattered indeed but united by the bonds of perfect love, has been occupied from the earliest ages in building the grand Temple (through the evolution of humanity) by which the reign of L.V.X. will be manifest. This society is in the communion of those who have most capacity for light; they are united in truth, and their Chief is the Light of the World himself, V.V.V.V.V., the One Anointed in Light, the single teacher for the human race, the Way, the Truth, and the  Life.

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