Monday 9 December 2013

Never accept money for the use of the art, for money ever smeareth the taker. ITs sorcerors and conjurers and the priests of the Christians who ever accept money for the use of their arts And
they sell pardons to let men ascape from their sins.


Saturday 4 May 2013

Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history, and these are treated as distinct gods by Egypt specialists.These various forms may possibly be different perceptions of the same multi-layered deity in which certain attributes or syncretic relationships are emphasized, not necessarily in opposition but complementary to one another, consistent with how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the multiple facets of reality.He was most often depicted as a falcon, most likely a lanner or peregrine, or as a man with a falcon head.

The earliest recorded form of Horus is the patron deity of Nekhen in Upper Egypt, who is the first known national god, specifically related to the king who in time came to be regarded as a manifestation of Horus in life and Osiris in death.The most commonly encountered family relationship describes Horus as the son of Isis and Osiris but in another tradition Hathor is regarded as his mother and sometimes as his wife.[1] Horus served many functions in the Egyptian pantheon, most notably being the god of the sun, war and protection.

Sunday 17 February 2013

                     Initiated Interpretation
                          Ceremonial Magic1

IT is loftily amusing to the student of magical literature who is not
   quite a fool—and rare is such a combination!—to note the criticism
directed   by   the   Philistine   against   the   citadel   of   his   science. Truly,
since our childhood has ingrained into us not only literal belief in the
Bible, but also substantial belief in Alf Laylah wa Laylah,  and only
adolescence can cure us, we are only too liable, in the rush and energy
of   dawning      manhood,      to  overturn    roughly    and   rashly   both    these
classics,    to   regard   them    both    on   the   same    level,  as   interesting
documents from the standpoint of folk-lore and anthropology, and as
nothing more.
    Even when we learn that the Bible, by profound and minute study
of   the   text,   may   be   forced   to   yield   up   Qabalistic   arcana   of   cosmic
scope     and   importance,     we    are  too   often  slow    to  apply   a  similar
restorative to the companion volume, even if we are the lucky holders
of Burton’s veritable edition.
    To me, then, it remains to raise the Alf Laylah wa Laylah into its
proper place once more.
    I am not concerned to deny the reality of all “magical” phenomena;
if   they   are   illusions,   they   are   at   least   as   real   as   many   unquestioned
facts of daily life; and, if we follow Herbert Spencer, they are at least
evidence of some cause.3

   Now,   this   fact   is   our   base. What   is   the   cause   of   my  illusion   of
seeing a spirit in the triangle of Art?
    Every   smatterer,   every   expert   in   psychology,   will   answer:   “That
cause lies in your brain.”
 English     children   are   taught   (pace    the  Education      Act)   that  the 
Universe lies in infinite Space; Hindu children, in the Akaca, which is 
the same thing. 
    Those Europeans who go a little deeper learn from Fichte, that the 
phenomenal        Universe      is  the   creation    of   the   Ego;    Hindus,     or 
Europeans   studying   under   Hindu   Gurus,   are   told,   that   by   Akaca   is 
mean   the   Chitakaca.     The   Chitakaca   is   situated   in   the   “Third   Eye,” 
i.e., in the brain.     By assuming higher dimensions of space, we can 
assimilate this face to Realism; but we have no need to take so much 
    This    being     true   for   the   ordinary     Universe,     that   all  sense- 
impressions are dependent on changes in the brain,  we must include 
illusions, which are after all sense-impressions as much as “realities” 
are, in the class of “phenomena dependent on brain-changes.” 
    Magical phenomna, however, come under a special sub-class, since 
they   are   willed,   and   their   cause   is   the   series   of   “real”   phenomena 
called the operations of ceremonial Magic. 
    These consist of: 
      (1)  Sight. 
              The   circle,   square,   triangle,   vessels,   lamps,   robes,   imple- 
                 ments, etc. 
      (2)  Sound. 
              The invocations. 
      (3)  Smell. 
              The perfumes. 
      (4) Taste. 
              The Sacraments. 
      (5) Touch. 
              As under (1) 
      (6) Mind. 
          The      combination       of  all   these    and    reflection    on   their 
    These   unusual   impressions   (1-5)   produce   unusual   brain-changes; 
hence their summary (6) is of unusual kind.               Its projection back into 
the apparently phenomenal world is therefore unusual. 
 Herein   then   consists   the   reality   of   the   operations   and   effects   of 
ceremonial magic,  and I conceive that the apology is ample, so far as 
the    “effects”    refer   only    to  those    phenomena       which     appear     to  the 
magician       himself,     the   appearance      of   the   spirit,  his   conversation, 
possible shocks from imprudence, and so on, even to ecstasy on the 
one hand, and death or madness on the other.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

MIDNIGHT RHA, remains true to the classical tradition. Our Order provides the sincere seeker the opportunity to become part of a worldwide fraternity with Golden Dawn temples, sanctuaries and study groups throughout the NIGERIA, CANADA and EUROPE. In addition, we provide astral initiations and advancements for those who seek the light of the Golden Dawn, hunger for knowledge and spiritual, magical transformation but do not live by a temple. Our Order remains the only Order that continues to provide long distance initiations where no Golden Dawn temple is nearby.
If you seek the light of hidden wisdom; if you are sincere and want to learn advanced teachings traditional to the classical Golden Dawn and if you seek fraternal friendship with other sincere like-minded people from around the world, then these Order is prepared to serve your desires to grow in Light, wisdom, magic and as far as your aspirations will take you.